The Hebrew Music Museum
The Hebrew Music Museum in Jerusalem fosters an impressive international collection of instruments dating from the dawn of mankind. The Museum provides a platform for communication, collaboration, outreach, program development, incubation of new artists, engagement of new listeners, and increased activity for new music. The Museum gives practicing artists access to professional resources and expertise and provides them with opportunities for sharing knowledge and exploring new ideas. The Hebrew Music Museum is a creator of culture, and a source for connecting souls and ultimately bridging the cultural gaps in society.
At the center of the museum, stands an animated 3D character named "Grandpa Levy". Grandpa Levy is a pleasant character that welcomes the visitors and accompanies them throughout their journey of discovering the origins of music.
Visitor App - As visitors enter the Hebrew Music Museum, they receive a tablet to accompany them on their experience. The app installed on the tablet, can identify the user’s location in the museum, provide relevant explanations on that location, provide music and pictures related to the musical instrument displayed. At the beginning of the tour, Grandpa Levy’ Augmented Reality character presents a general explanation of the experience and provides several instructions. The rooms are divided according to geographical area of the musical instruments displayed. At the entrance of each room, Grandpa Levy appears on the tablet and provides a brief explanation of the origin of the instrument and its uniqueness.
VR Experience - At the entrance to the museum stands a detailed model of the Jewish Temple. The model exposes the visitor to an authentic experiential journey in the Temple using high-end technology with animation and original music. In order to do so, advanced virtual reality glasses are used to convey the content in various positions around the Temple model. After a comprehensive research of the structure, live characters in costumes were created with 3D graphics and animation. With the state-of-the-art technology, the visitor can enjoy an extraordinary journey through time.
Final Film - The last room in the Hebrew Music Museum is a screening room where one can watch an inspirational animated film accompanied by original music that was composed especially for this purpose. The film is a summary of the experience and describes the sources of the music in the museum, and the importance and place of music in our lives.
Content creation: Snowball Studios. Programing: In-House. Production: Avs. Managing: Double A
My Part:
Creative Director